Environmental Policy
Children and adults are encouraged to respect the site used for Forest School and are taught to understand that decisions made impact on the natural world. Optimising recycling and promoting reusing will help to minimise waste and encourage respect for the environment and how this is linked to the health of the wider world. Before leaving any site any litter produced will be collected and appropriately recycled or disposed of.
Weather Policy
Please see FAQ for clothing checklist. In school settings, parents will be given a clothing checklist to ensure children bring suitable clothing for all weathers.
Wind Policy
If winds reach 30mph+ Forest School will not take place. In lighter winds, broken branches and fallen trees will be cleared. Fires will not take place in high winds. Activities will be tailored to the weather.
Sun Policy
If temperatures are very high, shade will be available at all times and children will be encouraged to take respite from the sun. The children may bring their water bottles and these will be available at all times. In accordance with the school’s policy, children will have suncream applied before the school day.
Thunder and Lightning Policy
Forest School will take place if there are clear skies and rumbles of thunder in the distance. It will not take place if the rumbles of thunder are nearby and lightning is visible.
Rain Policy
In light rains, Forest School will still take place. Adequate shelters will be erected to ensure children are able to protect themselves from the rain if they so wish. Waterproof clothing will be worn. It will not take place if there is very heavy rainfall and risk of site flooding.
Snow Policy
If snow has settled and children are wearing suitable clothing, Forest School will take place. If snow is still falling and conditions are freezing and slippery, Forest School will not take place.
Forest School sessions will adhere to the Child Protection policy of the school setting. For Hylands Park the Safeguarding Policy of Chelmsford City Council will be adhered to.
Key points:
- All adults will hold relevant enhanced DBS checks.
- Adults participating in Forest School will have access to the Handbook.
- Forest School leader will hold up to date Paediatric First Aid Certificate and liability insurance.
- Should any adults participating in Forest School need to inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Headteacher) or in the Head’s absence, the Deputy Head, of any concerns, the school’s protocols for referral will be adhered to. Sessions taking place at Hylands Park will follow Chelmsford City Council protocol.
Liability insurance (£5million) is held with Birnbeck Insurance for the purpose of Forest School.